Tuesday, December 24, 2019

cha yen

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Image result for jajanan khas thailand cha yenselain masakan, banyak juga minuman khas Thailand yang lumayan disukai di sini, seperti Cha Yen (Thai Tea). Melengkapi sajian hidangan khas Thailand kami hadirkan Resep Cha Yen (Thai Tea).
Resep Cha Yen (Thai Tea) ini cukup, cocok disajikan sebagai selingan hidangan berat saat kumpul keluarga. Apalagi cara membuatnya mudah dan bahan yang digunakan mudah didapatkan.
Jika Anda ingin melihat resep khas Thailand lainnya, atau aneka resep yang lebih sesuai dengan selera, Anda bisa mendapatkan di rubrik resep tabloidbintang.com. Setiap hari kami mengupadate resep-resep baru yang menarik dicoba.

  • 3 sdm thai tea mix
  • 400 ml air 
  • 8 sdm susu evaporasi
  • 600 ml susu cair
  • 3 sdm gula pasir
  • Es batu yang dihancurkan secukupnya
Cara Membuat
  1. Didihkan air, masukkan thai tea mix ke dalamnya, aduk rata. Diamkan beberapa saat hingga airnya berubah hitam pekat, saring.
  2. Masukkan air teh, susu evaporasi, susu cair, dan gula pasir ke dalam mangkuk blender, proses hingga tercampur rata. 
  3. Siapkan gelas saji, beri es batu, tuang cha yen dan siap disajikan.

tom yum

Tom yam (bahasa Thai: ต้มยำ, IPA[tôm jām]
Image result for apa itu tom yum goong
juga kadang-kadang disebut tom yam atau dom yam) adalah sup yang berasal dariThailand. Sup ini merupakan salah satu makanan Thailand yang terkenal.
Di Thailand, tom yum biasanya dibuat dengan udang (tom yum goong), ayam (tom yum gai), ikan (tom yum pla), atau makanan laut yang dicampur (tom yum talay atau tom yum po taek) dan jamur.
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khao phat

Thai fried rice (bahasa Thaiข้าวผัดRTGSkhao phatpengucapan [kʰâːw pʰàt] atau [kʰâw pʰàt]) adalah salah satu variasi dari nasi goreng yang merupakan masakan khas dari masakan Thai tengah. Dalam bahasa Thaikhao berarti "nasi" dan phat berarti "atau terkait dengan menumis". Hidangan ini berbeda dari nasi goreng Tiongkok adalah bahwa makanan ini dipersiapkan dengan menggunakan beras melati Thailand dan bukan beras berbulir panjang biasa. Hidangan biasanya mengandung daging (daging ayamudang, dan kepitingsemua adalah yang umum), telurbawangbawang putih dan kadang-kadang tomat.
Bumbu, yang mungkin termasuk kecapgulagaram, mungkin beberapa saus cabai, dan nam pla yang ada dimana-mana (kecap ikan), yang digoreng bersama-sama dengan bahan-bahan lainnya. Hidangan ini kemudian dilapisi dan disajikan dengan disertai beberapa irisan mentimun, irisan tomat, jeruk nipis dan tangkai daun bawang dan ketumbar. Hidangan ini memiliki banyak variasi regional, karena makanan ini ada di mana-mana.
Makanan lainnya termasuk nasi goreng kelapa (bahasa Thaiข้าวผัดมะพร้าวkhao phat maphrao), nasi goreng nanas (bahasa Thaiข้าวผัดสับปะรดkhao phat sapparot) dan nasi goreng kemangi (bahasa Thaiข้าวผัดกะเพราkhao phat kaphrao).[1] Khao op sapparot adalah hidangan nasi goreng nanas yang lebih menarik dengan kismis dan kacang-kacangan dan hampir selalu datang dan disajikan dalam potongan nanas.[2]
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chili crab

Chilli crab is a Singaporean seafood dish. Mud crabs are commonly used and are stir-fried in a semi-thick, sweet and savourytomato-and-chilli-based sauce. Despite its name, chilli crab is not a very spicy dish. It is listed at number 35 on the World's 50 most delicious foods list compiled by CNN Go in 2011.[1]In 1956, Cher Yam Tian and her husband Lim Choo Ngee began selling stir-fried crabs mixed with bottled chilli and tomato sauce from a pushcart. This was an improvised recipe; the original one did not involve bottled chilli sauce.[2] A successful business selling this dish prompted the establishment of a restaurant, Palm Beach Seafood, along Upper East Coast Road.[2]Origins[edit]
In September 2009, Ng Yen Yen, Malaysia's Tourism Minister, controversially claimed that, among other dishes, "chilli crab is Malaysian", accusing "other countries" of "hijacking our food".[3]


Chilli crab has been promoted by the Singapore Tourism Board as one of Singapore's national dishes, and can be found in seafood restaurants all over the island. It is traditionally eaten with bare hands as a means to savour the juicy crab meat with its sweet and spicy chilli sauce. Restaurants often provide wet towels or a washing bowl with lime in order for diners to clean their hands after their meal.
Chilli crab sauce is described as "sensuous" and "sweet, yet savoury", with a "fluffy texture".[4] Mud crabs ( Scylla serrata ) are the most common type of crabs used for the dish, although other species of crab can be used too.[4]

Cultural impact[edit]

CNN Go listed chilli crab as one of the "world's 50 most delicious foods", at Number 35.[5]
It was one of the Singaporean dishes featured during Singapore Day 2011 in Shanghai, China, where many Singaporeans overseas go to try the signature dish presented by Dragon Phoenix Restaurant.[6]
The Amazing Race 25The Amazing Race Asia 4, and The Amazing Race China 4 feature a task that requires to crack a specified amount of chilli crabs (i.e. two pounds for the American version, one kilogram for the Asian version, and 500 grams for the Chinese version).
A Singapore-based episode of Secret Eats with Adam Richman aired on the Travel Channel in September 2016, showed the host, Adam Richman, sampling a chilli crab at the New Ubin Seafood restaurant in Sin Ming's Industrial Estate.
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mee pok

Mee pok is a noodle dish with Chinese noodle characterized by its flat and yellow appearance, varying in thickness and width. The dish is of Teochew origin and is commonly served in a number of countries such as Chaoshan (China), SingaporeMalaysia andThailandMee pok is commonly served tossed in a sauce (often referred to as "dry", or tah in Hokkien (Pe̍h-ōe-jīta)), though sometimes served in a soup (where it is referred to as "soup", or terng). Meat and vegetables are added on top.
Mee pok can be categorised into two variants, fish ball mee pok (yu wan mee pok), and mushroom minced meat mee pok (bak chor mee). Bak chor mee is usually exclusively prepared using thin noodles ("mee kia"), while yu wan mee can be cooked with other noodle varieties.
Mee pok is a staple commonly offered in hawker centres and coffee shops (Kopitiams in parts of Southeast Asia) in Singapore, together with other Chinese noodle dishes.

Mee pok sauce[edit]

The sauce in which the noodles are tossed in is a very important aspect of the dish, and is considered a representation of the cook's skill and experience. The importance of the sauce in mee pok can be thought of similarly as the sauces that accompany pasta.
The sauce consists of 4 components: chilioilvinegar and other condiments such as soy sauce and pepper. The chili is made from various ingredients and its preparation often includes frying and blending. Oil, traditionally lard, ensures a smooth texture in the noodles, although vegetable oil is sometimes used as a healthier though less tasty version. Vinegar is added for its sourness, and diners may specify how much vinegar is used.
The chili sauce may be replaced with tomato ketchup for children and others who are uncomfortable with the spiciness of the chili.


Soup is served in a bowl as a side dish accompanying the "dry" variant, or served together with the noodles for the "soup" version where the sauce is omitted. Traditionally, the soup is boiled and simmered overnight with old hen, pork bones, dried sole fish, and soybean. The resulting broth is rich in taste and cloudy in appearance.

Mee pok noodles[edit]

Mee pok noodles sold in Bukit Batok, Singapore.
Usually, the noodles are factory-made, and requires substantial preparation before cooking. Different hawkers prepare and cook their noodles differently, but the desired outcome is the same: springy al dente noodles.
Hawkers often toss the noodles vigorously to remove excess flour and soda and to separate noodles which have stuck together. Other processes include stretching the noodles, cutting into a desired length, and separating into serving portions.
The cooking process of the noodles consists of blanching in hot and cold water multiple times, though some hawkers omit the cold water. The noodles are drained and placed in either sauce or broth.

Bak chor mee[edit]

Bak chor mee (simplified Chinese肉脞面traditional Chinese肉脞麵pinyinròucuǒ miànPe̍h-ōe-jībah-chhò-mī), which translates to minced meat noodles, is a Singaporean noodle dish popularly sold as street food in hawker centers and food courts.[1] The noodles are tossed in vinegar, minced meat, pork slices, pork liver, stewed sliced mushrooms, meat balls and bits of deep-fried lard. Bak chor mee can be categorised into two variants: a dry version and a soup version. Most dry versions come with slices of stewed mushroom, minced pork, slices of lean pork and sometimes fried ikan bilis, atop noodles tossed in a punchy chilli-vinegar sauce, while soup versions are lauded for the depth of pork flavour in its broth. Singapore's bak chor mee was listed as the top world street food by World Street Food Congress. [2]

Fish ball mee pok[edit]

A bowl of "dry" fish ball mee pok.
This version of mee pok is usually served with toppings of fish balls, sliced fish cakesgeow (a type of small dumpling made with fish meat paste wrapping a small bit of minced meat), minced meat, meat balls, lettuce or taugeh (beansprouts in Hokkien). It can be made with the addition or omission of any of the toppings, prepared in soup or "dry" style, and either with or without the chili sauce.
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char kway teow

Char kway teow adalah kwetiau goreng ala Malaysia atau Singapura. Masakan ini juga populer di Indonesia. Kuetiaw digoreng di atas wajan berapi besar bersama taugekucaiudangkerang, dan telur. Sebagai tambahan sering dimasukkan sosis Cina atau bakso ikan. Bumbunya adalah bawang putihkecap ikansambal, dan kecap manis.
Image result for apa itu char kuey teow
Pada awalnya, minyak yang dipakai untuk menggoreng kwetiau adalah lemak babi. Namun sekarang, sebagian rumah makan juga membuat char kway teow tanpa minyak babi. Di Ipoh dan Penang, char kuay teow memakai telur bebek dan sering ditambah dengan daging kepiting.
Makanan ini sering dianggap kurang sehat karena mengandung lemak tinggi. Char kway teow memang diciptakan sebagai makanan untuk buruh. Kadar lemak yang tinggi dan harga murah membuat hidangan ini disenangi kalangan buruh yang mencari sumber energi dan gizi yang murah. Pada awalnya, masakan ini dibuat oleh nelayan, nelayan pengumpul kerang, atau petani yang berprofesi sambilan sebagai pedagang kwetiau goreng di malam hari untuk menambah penghasilan.Char kway teow adalah pengucapan bahasa Hokkien untuk aksara Tionghoa 炒粿條 yang juga dibaca sebagai chhá-kóe-tiâu? dalam bahasa Hokkien, atau cháo guǒtiáo? dalam bahasa Mandarin.
Ketika dibawa dari kawasan berbahasa Hokkien ke kawasan berbahasa Kanton, nama hidangan ini berubah menjadi caau2 gwai3 diu1?, dan ditulis sebagai 炒貴刁 (pinyincháo guìdiāo). Nama hidangan ini ditulis dengan aksara Tionghoa 貴刁 karena kedua aksara tersebut dilafalkan serupa dengan 粿條 dalam bahasa Hokkien.
Di Singapura, hidangan ini juga ditulis dengan aksara Tionghoa 星州炒貴刁 yang juga dibaca char kway teow. Di Hongkong, hidangan ini juga ditulis sebagai 馬來炒貴刁 untuk menunjukkan negara asal masakan ini.
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